Christmas Guest Chorus

6:00pm, Mon, Dec 9 2024

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Rehearsal
    Start time: 6:00pm
    End time: 7:30pm
    Venue: 535 N Ewing, Helena, MT
  • Program
  • Start timeActivityMusicMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
    6:00pmPhysical warm-ups 5Linda Wulf 
    6:05pmAnnouncements 10Sonda GaubInformation about show, time to arrive, what to wear, where to go,
    6:15pmOther 10Shelly PardisQuick update to voice placement
    6:25pmRehearse songSilent Night10Sandy SmithMostly run throughs to remind of interp.
    6:35pmPerform songReindeers are Better Than People10Shelly PardisThose that are performing this will run through a couple of times performing for the group
    6:45pmRun through set 30Sonda GaubJust walk through with script and starts and stops of songs
    7:15pmRun through set 60Shelly Pardiswith Sonda; Full run through with script and singing - based on time we may not sing through some of the song
    8:15pmDiscussion 10Sonda Gaubwith Shelly, Notes on show and what is needed to be prepared
    8:25pmAnnouncements 5Barb LelandReminders on performances for the week
    Program Duration: 150 minutes; Finish time: 8:30pm